Cheeerleading obdržel uznání MOV!
Vážení trenéři, zástupci týmů, sportovci!
Světovými médii v noci proběhla radostná zpráva – cheerleading obdržel prozatimní uznání Mezinárodním olympijským výborem! Níže naleznete originál oznámení od Karla Olsona, Generálního sekretáře International Cheer Union.
Gratulujeme! Věříme, že tento významný krok napomůže dalšímu příznivému rozvoji našeho krásného sportu!
S přáním hezkého dne,
Martina Marešová
Dear ICU National Federations, Officials, Coaches, Athletes- dear Friends:
We have excellent news! Today - on 6 December 2016 - the ICU and Cheerleading received provisional recognition by the International Olympic Committee! The ICU is tremendously proud of the great accomplishments of ICU's 110 National Cheer Federations, Officials, Coaches- and most importantly our athletes around the world- for making this incredible milestone possible!
As another major step forward for Cheerleading, we trust this will further assist ICU's National Cheer Federation members to continue to move forward with their important recognition, progress and development efforts- and we again congratulate everyone for the great efforts - to date- to further promote our sport worldwide. (More details again will follow in the coming days!)
In the meantime, as a reference, enclosed please find a number of news articles regarding today's ICU/Cheerleading's provisional IOC recognition- with more to follow:
BBC Sport
Inside the Games
New York Times
AOL News
USA Today
We again congratulate you and the entire ICU family for this wonderful milestone, more to follow very soon- and thank you again for all you do for the Sport of Cheerleading and the ICU!
Warmest personal regards,
Karl Olson
Secretary General
International Cheer Union