Důležité informace o ECL v souvislosti s COVID
Vítězové ECL 2019 mají pozvánku soutěžit v roce 2021 na ICU Europeans ve Veroně.
Věková omezení na rok 2021 se budou vztahovat na všechny kvalifikované týmy, s výjimkou Performance doubles, kde kvalifikace zůstávají nominativní (jmenné) bez ohledu na věk.
Jelikož proběhly v ECL 2020 pouze dvě soutěže a další soutěže nejsou jisté, bylo rozhodnuto o ukončení této sezóny. Pro rok 2020 NEbudou vyhlášeni žádní vítězové ECL2020 a nelepší dva týmy po dvou soutěžích se NEbudou kvalifikovat na ICU Europeans 2021.
Celý text zaslaný European Cheer Union naleznete níže:
Dear ECL winners 2019,
We hope this email finds you well and safe during these strange times. We are in thought with all of you and wish you come out of this difficult period unharmed.
We are writing to inform you about the ECU board's decision concerning ECL winners' participation at the 2021 ICU Europeans.
Following the postponement of ICU Europeans in Verona, many of you have approached us worried about the outcome of your well earned bids for Europeans.
Please know that we took time to look for a solution which would be in the athletes' best interest and where all your efforts invested in the previous ECL season could be put to value.
After careful consideration and debating several options, the ECL steering committee proposed, and the ECU board accepted, to extend the invitation to all 2019 ECL winners.
As the division winner of the 2019 ECL season, we invite you to compete at the 2021 ICU Europeans in Verona!
Trophies and winners will be declared at that moment according to the same protocol that was planned for Verona 2020.
That being said, please note that age limitations for 2021 championships will apply for all qualified teams, except for cheer performance doubles, where qualifications remain nominative (example: if Jones and Smith qualified, they will be allowed to compete, regardless of their age).
Related to the subject, we wish to also inform you that as the 2020 ECL season only hosted two events so far and there is no guarantee of how many events could still be carried out before the end of the season. The ECU board also decided to end the ongoing ECL season.
No winners will be declared for year 2020, best ranking teams after the two events will not qualify to Verona 2021.
These times are not easy for anyone of us. Hopefully, next year round, the new ECL season will be in full swing and you might be half way to another ECL title. In the meantime, stay safe. Stay healthy.